顯示具有 如此接受 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 如此接受 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2020年3月30日 星期一

To be or not to be? 成為或不成為?

各位都要小心注意自己的身體,也期盼各位能夠在看到 Youtube 時,如果願意多聽到一些音樂的話,按一次以下訂閱!

In April 2015, because of a destined stroke in my life, I was a little bit frustrated when speaking, and my right foot was strange when walking. What's worse, when writing, his right hand is very disobedient! But I just accept that? No, my body reminds me to do everything now, reminds me to pay attention, that is, I should use it more carefully.
Everyone should pay careful attention to your body, and I hope that when you see Youtube if you would like to hear more music, click the following subscription once!

Don’t ... #shorts

Don’t insist on being “right”.